Options for Medical Hair Loss
A full wig may be the most emotionally supportive investment you make during your treatment. Looking as much like "you" as possible will contribute to your overall comfort and self-esteem.
To avoid the discomfort of shedding hair, many people choose to have their hair removed in the very early stages of hair loss. Many of our clients have expressed freedom as a result of the shaving process, mentioning they feel more in control and are relieved that they do not have to deal with all their hair falling out. Removal is most often the choice when excessive hair loss is experienced. We provide this as a complimentary service at the time of or prior to the cut and style of your wig (full cranial prosthesis).
If you are planning to purchase a wig, plan ahead, and arrange for an appointment as soon after you know that you are going to lose your hair. Our hair replacement consultants will be able to guide you through the process, insuring the fit and comfort, as well as the color, density, length, and style. Most often we suggest that the aesthetic elements reflect the hairstyle and color of your own hair, to insure your personal comfort. Make an inquiry with your insurance provider, they may cover all or a portion of the expense. Read these helpful tips prior to filing a claim with your insurance provider.